Video: Coming Soon to an Intranet Near You!

Salvatore Nolfo
CEO & Founder
October 1, 2012

Over the last 30 years, the use of visual support to complement and enhance a presentation has evolved dramatically.  Maybe I’m dating myself, but I can remember when it was essential to run through that tray of 35mm slides in preparation for your talk.  ¡Qué mucho ha llovido!

Whether communicating to internal or external clients, the effective use of visuals is still recognized as the most powerful way to get your message across.  And in today’s world, there is nothing more powerful than video to get and hold the audience’s attention while delivering a stimulating massage.  

With our increased dependence on the internet, combined with the availability of more robust bandwidth, online video communications are fast becoming a significant source of needed information.

The written word is still a vital tool in any communication project, but when given a choice to read a document or watch a video, the latter will win every time.   I still enjoy starting the day with a cup of coffee and my morning paper, but I always end up checking in on my favorite online news portals.  More and more of us are opting to get the latest news from our laptops or tablets or cellular phones with the advantages of multi-media at our fingertips.  You are no longer limited to reading about the championship fight but are now only a click away from seeing the knockout punch and hearing the crowd go wild. 

Want to find out how to do just about anything?   Ask any twelve-year-old and he’ll tell you to Google it!  And you can be sure that there will be at least one YouTube video in the top ten results that will show you how it’s done!  As a matter of fact, based on just such a referral from his son, an engineer at a major manufacturing plant here in Puerto Rico got the idea to use a “how to” video for maintenance procedures on one of their automated manufacturing lines.  

Indeed, videos are fast becoming an integral part of internal corporate communications.   For training, nothing is more effective.   For corporate news, nothing is more engaging.  For motivating, nothing is more compelling. 

Telling that success story of how a simple idea from a line operator made a real impact on business results by using direct on-camera testimonials of all those involved in the project will have a far greater impact than an article in the company newsletter.   If there still is a company newsletter!  More than likely it will be an article on the company’s intranet.  And just as many news publishers are adding video content to the online version of their paper, integration of video content to corporate portals is a very effective way to richen the viewer experience.  Also, for global organizations, the addition of sub-titles to the emotional power of video will make lessons learned and success stories available to staff members throughout the corporate network.

A recent study by a well-known research firm found that 94% of internal communication professionals cited video as an important tool in their communication arsenal.  And more than 74% said that their staff members expected to see videos used within the organization. 

Many of our clients have developed an infrastructure suitable for the incorporation of video as an integral part of their internal communications.  LCD screens strategically located throughout the site is the first step to using video for presenting that news report of the company’s participation in the recent beach clean-up, those promo spots designed to kick off the new safety campaign, and that recognition piece about the work team’s success story. 

And integration of the videos to the company intranet is the natural follow-up for a truly effective internal communications strategy.

Published by Society for Human Resource Management Puerto Rico Chapter, SHRM-PR in October2012: Revista Recursos.

Mr. Salvatore Nolfo is the Founder & President of VICOM | Visual Communications, Inc. a technology, and multimedia company specializing in the development and strengthening of digital communities. Let us transform your external and internal communities into the productive teams of tomorrow. We are at your disposal via or (787) 728-5252.


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